Madagascar – President resigns

Marc Ravalomanana resigned as president of Madagascar today.

In the end, events moved very quickly. Late on Monday afternoon, the army took over the presidential residences in the centre of Antananarivo. The gates to the palace were knocked down by two armoured cars. Jeune Afrique reports that some shots were heard. In the meantime, President Ravalomanana had taken refuge in another presidential palace in the suburbs of the capital about 12 km from the centre.

At a rally on Saturday, Rajoelina declared that the president, Assembly and Senate were defunct/deposed (déchu). He also gave President Ravalomanana four hours to resign. France 24 has video of TGV, as Rajoelina is known, on Saturday. He defends the action as the people taking back power and denies a coup. President Ravalomanana refused to resign and proposed holding a referendum as a way out of the crisis. In turn, this offer was rejected. On Monday, Rajoelina called upon the security to forces to arrest President Ravalomanana without delay.

France 24 has a video report of Monday’s events. It shows that there was violence, even though a coup is again denied. The African Union condemned any illegal seizure of power, but was unable or unwilling to intervene to help President Ravalomanana.

Jeune Afrique reports that President Ravalomanana transferred presidential and prime ministerial power by decree to a military directory led by Admiral Hyppolite Ramaroson. Events on Monday showed that the military and security services had moved over to the opposition. So, further conflict does not seem likely. President Ravalomanana is reported to have taken refuge in the US Embassy. There are reports that Andry Rajoelina is going to take an oath of office this afternoon.

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