Category Archives: Finland


Finland – Guest post by David Arter

Last year saw the creation (so far only on paper) of a research network called Institutions, Democracy and Semi-Presidentialism (IDSP). One of the eventual aims is to establish a series of correspondents who will be able to report on the latest developments from different semi-presidential countries. Obviously, it is hard for me to keep up with everything. If you would like to be included in the general e-mail list for the ISDP, then please just let me know.

Anyway, in the general spirit of this initiative, I am going to ask various people to do guest posts with information about their country of expertise. The first is by David Arter, who is now at the University of Tampere. He is reporting on a ongoing issue relating to the presidential/prime ministerial management of foreign affairs in Finland. Very many thanks to David for agreeing to do the post.


It has proved a field-day for the tabloids – at least those in Sweden! ‘Tired Finnish soldiers replaced by tough Swedes’ ran the headline in Sweden’s Aftonbladet and elsewhere there were allegations that the Finnish troops were young, inexperienced and homesick. It has proved manna from heaven too for the leading opposition Social Democrats, who have for long been languishing in the polls and whose leader was rated at a miserable ‘6 minus’ – the lowest of any of the party leaders – in Saturday’s Iltalehti. During last Thursday’s Question Time in the Eduskunta, the Social Democrats wheeled out their heavy brigade – the former chair, Eero Heinäluoma, and former foreign secretary, Erkki Tuomioja – to claim that the government had by-passed the decision-making procedures laid down in the constitution. “The soldiers have marched all over the leading politicians.”

What’s it all about? The news that the 86 extra Finnish troops, sent out in July as part of NATO’s 42-country ISAF force to maintain security during the August presidential election campaign, are to return home before the new election on November 7th. The contracts with the soldiers expire on October 28th and many it seems have indicated an unwillingness to continue in what has been a dangerous operation. Nothing remarkable in that? Well, no, except that the president, as Supreme Commander of the Defence Forces, the prime minister Matti Vanhanen, and most other cabinet ministers knew nothing about it. Vanhanen has spoken of a ‘wide-ranging breakdown in communication’ whilst the president, Tarja Halonen, who was visiting Egypt and Syria when she got word of the early troop-return, has subsequently suggested that it was more than a technical breakdown in communication. After all, Finland is a land of mobile phones.

The story is building up a head of steam. It appears that the information that the extra peacekeepers would return at the end of October was passed on to the President’s Office on October 16 before the president’s Africa trip. The Defence Minister under fire, Jyri Häkämies, has claimed to have kept in touch with the president on the matter as well the cabinet committee on foreign and security policy which, when present, she chairs. The wider significance of the episode, however, relates to the perceived marginalisation of the president. A working group under the former minister, Christoffer Taxell, was due to come up with proposals for [yet more!] constitutional reform in September, then October, now the end of November but so far nothing has materialised. Significantly though, the Minister for Justice has already proposed removing the Supreme Commander’s role from the president’s portfolio and this is likely to be the tip of the iceberg. Saturday’s Helsingin Sanomat’s editorial was entitled ‘the Uninvited Guest’ and referred to Halonen’s decision to attend next week’s EU Brussels summit despite the fact that none of the agenda items fall within the president’s remit. Hawks say ‘Article 93’ –the joint management of foreign policy – is unworkable and that the government should direct foreign policy as well as EU policy. A lively late autumn looks in prospect.

David Arter
University of Tampere, Finland

Finland – PM in trouble

In Finland Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen (Centre) is under increasing pressure. He has been accused of financial impropriety dating back to the 1990s, when he, allegedly, received a “shipment of wood free of charge” (Helsinki Times). According to the report, “a nationwide construction company had sent the supplies in the hope of winning further deals with the Youth Foundation, a charity that Mr Vanhanen chaired before becoming prime minister in 2003”.

Partly related, there were two votes of confidence last week. On 30 September the government easily survived a motion of no-confidence lodged by the opposition about old people’s care. The government majority was 111 votes to 64. Then, on 1 October Prime Minister Vanhanen won a vote of confidence on election funding. Fruits and Votes quotes AP reporting that 117 voted in favour of the government, 27 voted against and there were 56 abstentions.

Motions of confidence/no-confidence are not wholly unusual in Finland, at least not at the moment. In the spring session, there were two other motions of no-confidence, one on a plan to increase the retirement age and another on the employment situation.

On 6 September 2009 municipal elections from 2008 were re-run in three areas – Vihti, Karkkila, and Kauniainen. The results are available at the Ministry of Justice website. Compared with 2008, the results in general showed a slight slippage in support (about 1%) for the centre-right parties that comprise the government, though the Social Democrats did not make gains. Small increases went to the small leftist parties, the Greens, the Swedish People’s Party, and the True Finns. Turnout was 64% in Kauniainen, but only 46% and 42% in Karkkila and Vihti respectively.

Finland – EP election

The EP election was held in Finland on Sunday.

The turnout was 40.3%. The Finnish Ministry of Justice is reporting the following results (2004 in brackets) and note that these results are very different from the ones on the EP website, but are confirmed on another official Finland election website:

KOK – Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party) – 23.2%, 3 seats (23.7%, 4)
KESK – Suomen Keskusta (Finnish Centre Party) – 19%, 3 seats (23.4%, 4)
SDP – Suomen Sosialidemokraatinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party) – 17.5%, 2 seats (21.2%, 3)
VIHR – Vihreät (Greens) – 12.4%, 2 seats (10.4%, 1)
Perussuomalaiset (True Finns) – 9.8%, 1 seat (0.5%
SFP – Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland (Swedish People’s Party in Finland) – 6.1%, 1 seat (5.7%, 1)
VAS – Vasemmistoliitto r.p. (Left Alliance) – 5.9%, 0 seats (9.1%, 1)
KD – Kristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats) – 4.2%, 1 seat (4.3%, 0)

In Finland, the general trend away from the left was confirmed, the SDP lost votes and the lefter(!) Left Alliance did particularly poorly. That said, the Greens did gain some votes and KESK lost votes too. The big surprise was the rise of the True Finns, confirming the general success of nationalist parties. They were in alliance with the Christian Democrats, which allowed them to gain a seat even though their vote from 2004 was virtually unchanged and when they won nothing. In effect, this is a mid-term election in the middle of a big recession. So, the fact that the opposition left did badly does not bode particularly well for them in the future.

An article on the 2004 EP election in Finland is available here.

Cohabitation – Finland

This is a series of posts that records the cases of cohabitation in countries with semi-presidential constitutions. Cohabitation is defined as the situation where the president and prime minister are from different parties and where the president’s party is not represented in the cabinet. Presidents classed as non-party cannot generate any periods of cohabitation.

Here is my list of cohabitations in Finland:

Dec 1926 – Dec 1927
President – Lauri Kristian Relander (ML); PM – Väinö Alfred Tanner (SDP); Government – SDP

Dec 1928 – Aug 1929
President – Lauri Kristian Relander (ML); PM – Oskari Mantere (ED); Government – ED, KOK

Mar 1946 – Jul 1948
President – Juho Kusti Paasikivi (KOK); PM – Mauno Pekkala (SKDL); Government – SKDL, SFP, ML, SDP

Jul 1948 – Mar 1950
President – Juho Kusti Paasikivi (KOK); PM – Karl August Fagerholm (SDP); Government – SDP

Mar 1950 – Nov 1953
President – Juho Kusti Paasikivi (KOK); PM – Urho Kekkonen (ML); Government – ML, ED (until Sep 1951), SFP, SDP (Jan 1951-July 1953)

May 1954 – Oct 1954
President – Juho Kusti Paasikivi (KOK); PM – Ralf Johan Gustaf Törngren (SDP); Government – SFP, SDP, ML

Oct 1954 – Feb 1956
President – Juho Kusti Paasikivi (KOK); PM – Urho Kekkonen (ML); Government – ML, SDP

Feb 1972 – Sep 1972
President – Urho Kekkonen (ML/KESK); PM – Kustaa Rafael Paasio (SDP); Government – SDP

Apr 1991 – March 1994
President – Mauno Henrik Koivisto (SDP); PM – Esko Tapani Aho (KESK); Government – KESK, KOK, RKP/SFP, SKL

March 1994 – Apr 1995
President – Martti Ahtisaari (SDP); PM – Esko Tapani Aho (KESK); Government – KESK, KOK, RKP/SFP, SKL (to June 1994)

Apr 2007 – June 2011
President – Tarja Kaarina Halonen (SDP); PM – Matti Taneli Vanhanen (KESK); Government – KESK, RKP/SFP, VIHR

ED – Kansallinen Edistyspuolue (National Progressive Party)
KESK – Suomen Keskusta (Finnish Centre Party)
KOK – Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party)
ML – Maalaisliitto (Farmers League – became KESK)
RKP – Ruotsalainen kansanpuolue (Finnish for Swedish People’s Party in Finland)
SDP – Suomen Sosialidemokraatinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party)
SFP – Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland (Swedish People’s Party in Finland)
SKDL – Suomen Kansan Demokraattinen Liitto (Finnish People’s Democratic League)
SKL – Suomen Kristillinen Liitto (Finnish Christian League)
VIHR – Vihreät (Greens)

Cabinet composition:
1919-45 – Klaus Tornudd, ‘Composition of Cabinets in Finland 1917-1968’, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 4, issue 4A, 1969, pp. 58-70;
1945- Jaakko Nousianen, ‘Finland: The consolidation of Parliamentary Governance’, in W. C. Muller and Kaare Strøm (eds.), Coalition Governments in Western Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 264-99.

List of presidents and PMs and their affiliations: