Mauritius – Semi-presidentialism on the agenda?

There are reports from newspapers in Mauritius that the introduction of semi-presidentialism is being discussed. It is a little unclear whether this is something that is genuinely being debated, or whether it is just an opposition agenda item. However, I have found a number of recent articles that discuss the issue.

On 11 October there was an article in L’Express reporting that former PM and now the leader of the opposition, Paul Bérenger, was proposing the introduction of semi-presidentialism as well as certain other reforms. On 15 October there was a long article, also in L’Express, making it clear that the idea of French-style semi-presidentialism had been raised. Also in L’Express on the same day, there was an editorial that was quite critical of semi-presidentialism, suggesting that it did not suit the situation in Mauritius. In addition, there was an article in the Mauritius Times about constitutional reform generally, indicating that constitutional amendments were very difficult to pass. Finally, in an earlier article in L’Express, there is a report that Paul Bérenger had proposed the introduction of semi-presidentialism as far back as the 1980s.

My guess is that the ‘debate’ is more a matter of the leader of the opposition flying a kite, rather than the start of an impending and serious discussion of constitutional reform. All the same, I will keep an eye on events there.

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