Zimbabwe – Part-draft of new constitution

In Zimbabwe, the Select Committee of Parliament on the New Constitution (COPAC) has provided a partial draft of the constitution. The text is available via the Herald Online.

The draft constitution is not complete. For example, the text of Chapter 6, Part 3, Ministers and Cabinet, is missing from the document. Indeed, large parts of key sections of the document are either missing or incomplete.

Even so, it seems from the text that is present and from the titles of the articles in Chapter 6, Part 3 that at this stage a presidential system is being proposed. There is no mention of a prime minister. The president is also denoted as the head of state and government. However, there is likely to be provision for a ‘Vote of no confidence’ in the government, though there are no further details.

If there is an fixed-term president and no PM, but there is full cabinet responsibility, then the constitution would resemble the current situation in Zambia.

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