SP in disputed areas and other territories (5) – Republika Srpska

The Republika Srpska is officially recognized as one of the two entities that compose the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The constitution dates back to 1992, but it has been amended since. Like Serbia, and most of the constituent parts of the former Yugoslavia, it established a semi-presidential system.

Art. 83 establishes the direct election of the president, as well as the election of two vice-presidents.

Art. 93 establishes a prime minister, known as the president of the government.

Art. 94 states that the government is responsible to the National Assembly on the basis of votes of confidence and no-confidence. In addition, there are circumstances in which the president may dismiss the prime minister. So, the Republika Srpska is on the cusp of a president-parliamentary and premier-presidential form of semi-presidentialism.

The Republika Srpska was proclaimed in 1992. It was officially recognised in the Dayton Accords of 1995. The UN-appointed High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina has played a major role in the area since this time, including the dismissal of at least one president in the late 1990s.

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Turkish Republic of North Cyprus
Palestinian National Authority

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