Haiti – PM nomination rejected

In Haiti, newly-elected President Martelly’s nomination for prime minister has been rejected by the Chamber of Deputies. President Martelly had nominated Gérard Daniel Rouzier, a political outsider.

Le Matin is reporting that when the investiture vote was taken 42 deputies voted against M. Rouzier, only 19 deputies supported him and 3 abstained.

There is now a report giving an indication that the president is consulting with the presidents of the two houses with a view to coming up with a new name. This is being portrayed as a change of presidential strategy.

Given the president’s opponents in the legislature are so much more numerous than his supporters, the logic is that the president should accept their nominee for prime minister and try to ensure that his supporters are represented in the government. This would avoid a period of cohabitation, even if the president’s power would be limited. However, the president seems to be insisting on nominating a political friend. If he continues to do so, then the opposition will keep on vetoing the nomination.

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